Sunday, 23 May 2010


Comments from everyone are enabled. Enjoy........


Slow week, Training day wasnt really training as i was told. It was actually an excersice which slightly annoys me as i didnt take all the kit i should have, but it didnt matter anyway, i got lucky all i did was pick some rifles up and sit around in a hanger all day while the other people sat around and walked, stood guard, drove, patroled.....lucky eh?
Work is going ok, like i say alot better than MPA making decent food that tastes reasonable.
After ''training'' i went rock climbing with some of the instructers from hillside, was good to get back onto a wall. Not climbed in a long time so took a while to get loose. But i got there and pushed the boundries. Its crazy how youve got to be on your toes all the time, i let my mind slip for one second while i was belaying one of the guys and he fell off, in a split second he was coming down the wall, luckly instincts kicked and i locked the rope off in time, but the sudden stop caused me to fly quarter way up the wall, the other guy was almost touching the ground. Luckly nothing broken, no one hurt. I appologised and he said ''no worries, it happens. Sometimes it takes things like this to remind you of things, things that you already know but have forgotten'' Its true, people become lazy in there ways or rely on othere. I thought because this guy was an instructer he knew his limits and woundn't fall. Which make you think alot. or it does me anyway. Boundries are ment to be broken and pushed, bent and reshaped. Or else we would just live in a boring one track world. Rock climbing is one thing i would love to get back into, profectionally. Maybe one day..... I remember how much fun i used to have back before i joined the forces rock climbing, nothing serious all for the laughs. Pushing when you wanted too.

So i recently found out that if i did my bike licence here i can transfer it to my uk licence later on and hold a full uk bike licence, Which is great considering you do it all on a 125 bike around stanley the sleepy little port... Bargin £150 in total including bike, training and test. Why the hell not i suppose, i'll use it one day, still got my old bike locked up in a garage at home should run with some clean petrol, sell that and buy something bigger.

Well that about it really, ploughing through battlestar at a fast pace, was on guard friday night and watched a whole season. With it being a friday night i knew i wouldnt get much sleep anyway so i though what the hell. Stay up and burn away the hours. I was day off saturday so it wasnt like i needed the sleep to do anything. I am totally suprised that i didnt end up about being attacted by cylons in my sleep...strange your thinking i know.

Sometimes i wonder what it would be like to live in a different time. In the past, just to experience what life was like back then, the music, the ways of life, the smells of the city. When money was actually worth something and you had to work hard for it.

Off to stick a film on now in the mess. laters x

Mood- Relaxed, happy

Song- Little Boot - Remedy (shes on the telle box and there is something about her)



well what can i say about the last 4 days? windy and mildly moist i think. Started watching battlestar when i can, trying to squeeze in every episode and film in while im here, should be fun, if i finish early ive got all of lost to watch too. I could get lost in the Lost.
Not much has happened really, Work, sleep and film watching really. I have decided that im gonna get a projector when i get back to uk for good. Just makes watching films all the better.
I found my posting out. Its germania. Oh but wait is it now? nope, im not going there now. Im getting a uk posting hoping for SouthWest as i like it there alot, but any uk posting will do. For the time i'll be there it wont really matter. Im hoping to get out of the food buisiness sharpish before i have a break down or kill someone with 3 month old eggs...........
Training day tomorrow which means ive got to travel 40 odd miles back to the main base and watch a days worth of powerpoint, stand around outside and get cold, walk for reasons unknown and just generally waste the day away freezing my tats off.

Song- Apocoliptia - Nothing else matters (purley for the fact that ive been annoying peoples with it all day)

Mood- Tired



well ive been at hillside for about a week now and im loving it. Kitchen is like being back caterick, apart from more stuff is broken. Weekends are busy but rest of the time its a little dead.
Got my own cabin, double bed, tv, sette, shower. Its nice. Shame its only for a month though, but hey its a month less that i have to work in 4 seasons.
Net is a little unstable but it works sometimes.

Simpsons Seasons 19 ep. 12

Thursday, 6 May 2010


Well ive not been on the internet for a while or even wrote a blog for a while that matter. Truth is nothing exciting or anything worth talking about has happened TO BE HONET.
Its just been work, sleep, little bit of gym work.
I did go to Stanley the day before yesterday, it was alright, went in a few shops did a little bit of buying. Had a beer.
In Stanley im guessing its a close knit of people that know everyone else. So when 5 squadies turned up we were getting dodgy lucks it remined me of Hot Fuz, where they killed people off to keep there village ''nice''. Well news is good, im moving out of the 4 seasons and going to a litle base just inside stanley call ''Hillside'' Its the adventure training camp so will be feeding between 15 and 50 people. Which is good, its what im used to cooking for, you get more time to play with the food and put your own side to it. Now im only going down there for a month but im hoping i might get moved down there perminatly if i do hoping cos im sick of veg.
Not much else to say TO BE HONEST. Ive got 2 days off, today and tomorrow, im gonna pack what i need as i go down there on sunday. Might get some shopping in while im there, not been shopping in a while and i need to spend some moneys on random crap, you know how it is.
Talked to michelle for more than 20 minutes yeasterday which was nice. I think she thought i was going a little insane on the phone but no harm done.
Well thats it really, bordom is slowley taking its hold, i've reading a book about every 2 days at the moment, which is not good as i'll need to order some new books soon. But on the other hand there awesome books with great plot lines in them. Good old Clive Custler.
Well that all for now.

Mood - happly happy

SongThe looney island - Space olympics.



Day off today, Not done much, ironed, watched a film. Realaxed.

Mood - relaxed

Song - July for Kings-Meteor Flower


Been putting quite a bit of effort into my situps, to the point i could breath as my stomach had tensed up that much. Yeah its hard to get out of bed in the morning now aswell. But hey, if i get ripped in the process TO BE HONEST i dont care.
Work is moving slowley as aways, time here seems to be going quite fast though, which is good TO BE HONEST.
Do my weapon handeling test for my green card on monday which means im ''trained'' the RAF way to handle a weapon. Pretty petty TO BE HONEST. But oh well.
Not much to say really, sorted my phone now so i got tunes and games back. Bout time, found out what caused all the bohaaa in the first place, it was itunes that was the problem, i tried to fix it and sucseeded but in the process i un-fixed something else. and un-fixed it again and made it even worst. Well with around 5 hours googleing(the internal wifi card timer froze so i got free credits) I finally found the solution and fixed it. Which TO BE HONEST is good, i feel like i have actually achieved something. Well im on lates tomorrow, fun times.
Michelle is moving into a new house in the next few day, which im happy about. I dont think the old house was too bad to begin with but things begin to grind on you, besides i think the old house was about ready to fall down with the mutant washing machine on spin cycle.

My address out here has changed a little out here i'll send it to relevent people but if you want to send me anything while im on this rock send me a msg on my facebook and i'll forward the address onto you. Any i mean anything e.g. sweets, gold bulion, midgits i really dont mind.

ciao for now bitchas xx