Thursday, 6 May 2010


Been putting quite a bit of effort into my situps, to the point i could breath as my stomach had tensed up that much. Yeah its hard to get out of bed in the morning now aswell. But hey, if i get ripped in the process TO BE HONEST i dont care.
Work is moving slowley as aways, time here seems to be going quite fast though, which is good TO BE HONEST.
Do my weapon handeling test for my green card on monday which means im ''trained'' the RAF way to handle a weapon. Pretty petty TO BE HONEST. But oh well.
Not much to say really, sorted my phone now so i got tunes and games back. Bout time, found out what caused all the bohaaa in the first place, it was itunes that was the problem, i tried to fix it and sucseeded but in the process i un-fixed something else. and un-fixed it again and made it even worst. Well with around 5 hours googleing(the internal wifi card timer froze so i got free credits) I finally found the solution and fixed it. Which TO BE HONEST is good, i feel like i have actually achieved something. Well im on lates tomorrow, fun times.
Michelle is moving into a new house in the next few day, which im happy about. I dont think the old house was too bad to begin with but things begin to grind on you, besides i think the old house was about ready to fall down with the mutant washing machine on spin cycle.

My address out here has changed a little out here i'll send it to relevent people but if you want to send me anything while im on this rock send me a msg on my facebook and i'll forward the address onto you. Any i mean anything e.g. sweets, gold bulion, midgits i really dont mind.

ciao for now bitchas xx

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